// Dirtybird is 10!!, Ben Westbeech interview & Mixtape //
Summer officially kicks off in 10 days time as London welcomes the whole Dirtybird crew for there 10 year anniversary!!
10 years ago this summer the 4 original members of Dirtybird, Claude Vonstroke , Worthy & the Martin brothers threw the first of their now legendary free summer BBQ's in San Francisco. Easter Saturday April 7th, they will be re-creating that party vibe with the biggest Line up a Dirtybird party has ever seen.
SCM favourite Ben Westbeech aka Breach kindly gave us 5 minutes while at the Miami WMC. And event host's Point blank FM have provided us with a 60 minute Dirtybird Mixtape to get you in the mood for the 15 hour marathon of Beats, Beers and a Big ass BBQ's
Before we get onto Ben's interview, let us give you the best news possible! Tickets are still available for this MONSTER event. Dirtybird head honcho Claude Vonstroke will be as usual pulling the strings while Dirtybird favourites Justin Martin and J.Phlip make sure everybody stays LOW. The UK are well represented with Breach, Julio Basmore, Eats Everythong, Tom Flynn & A1 Bassline flying the flag for UK. Soundcanvas expects a few special guests to be unveiled too! What more could you ask for on a bank Holiday weekend!
Read on the Full interview, Mixtape and ticket's!!
Ben first off thanks for taking time out to talk to us I pressume you livin the life right now in Miami, enjoying the WMC!!.... #winning!
Ha! yes i am writing from my hotel overlooking the beach, it's sunny and gorgeous here. About to crack open a beer and get my tan on. God i sound like a total asshole.
Sounds Lovely! So, what is it that keeps an international artsist such as yourself in LDN?
I love the energy and the fact that there's always something new to see or experience. Also a lot of my friends live there so thats important to me too. My studio is in Brick lane which is also another reason for me to stay as it is in such an amazing place. I am really lucky to live there but it does come at a price!
The London leg of Dirtybird's 10 year aniversiry is only 10 days away. Massive Line up, hot food & an all day party. Excited much.
YES i am so excited. My best friend jaime is organising it too so am really looking forward to seeing what an amazing job she's done. All the dj's and everybody's friends will be there. I can't wait. We just played The Miaimi leg it was awesome!
I went to SF recently and stayed with Justin Martin who I am working on music with and met all of the crew who are really nice to hang with. The parties they put on are so much fun and the music is the best vibe. I like how everyone's different within the crew too!
Your down to play as Breach, when working with Dirtybird are you purely appearing as Breach?
Yes I am only doing Breach with dirtybird. It is confusing to people sometimes as I have two projects running at the same time... People always ask me to sing when i'm playing as breach which i don't really do.
Breach is my underground house alias where I get to spread my wings creatively. I can work with whoever I want and make energetic, deep, bassy house music which is what i really love to dj. I also obviously dj under this moniker and want to push the boundaries of house with this project. There is a massive uk influence to this and it is a really interesting project for me.
With your two acts so diverse, do you prepare for a set differently when playing as Breach. Is this when you get to get the gun fingers out?!
hahahahahahaha. Yeah i do 1000 push ups, inject some steroids and draw for the gunfingers!
No not really. I just look for music differently. It's a different way of thinking for me.
We've seen pictures of your studio in Brick Lane, you've got some pretty eclectic equipment. Who's studio have you worked in that you would love to be left alone in for a long, dirty weekend of music making.
ha! erm i think Redlights studio is pretty amazing. He has lot's of outboard and synths to play with and it is a fun place to make tunes. his JV1080 is dope.
Bristol is going through a renaissance right now and and has got some serious nights goin on. Growin up, back in the day where did you get your influnces from?
I got my influences from Rock n Roll, hip hop, grunge, jungle and classical music. They were all really influential to me growing up. I went through stages just like we all do when certain music was more important but nothing ever left me... It's all still here in my head and will be in my soul forever. Bristol was a big part of my life and it will also influence my sound as an artist.
You’ve been touring pretty heavy this year, what are you plans for the rest of 2012.
Yes i have! I am pretty tired. Well i am just about to set up my own label called "naked naked" as Breach. We will be working with artists I am collaborating with such as Midland, Disclosure, Eats Everything, Dark Sky, Mickey the Pearce and T williams. It is really exciting. That and making a new Westbeech album which will be darker and slower than the last record. And also gigging all the time too. It is looking like a real busy year!
Last up Ben, could you give SCM readers a heads up on an artist that's doin it for you right now??
Yes Disclosure are my pick at the moment. They are bring the musical side back to house which is nice. AMazing chords and vibes from them.
Thanks Ben, Looking forward to the party!
First up, hit PLAY here !!
dirtybird Mix - Kill Frenzy by Point Blank
100 Tickets are to be purchased on the door! Don’t forget the earlyDirtybird catches the worm!
There is one more exciting way to get tickets and that is by signing up to Drip a revolutionary way to stay in touch with your favourite labels and for a small monthly fee receive EP's news and tickets!!
Ben recommends -
We recently featured 2 mixes from disclosure.
The tour will be sponsored by Point Blank, which is the award winning music production & DJ school based in London UK, providing world class, tutor lead online music courses and learning programs. Voted "Best Music Production School"
Point Blank Online - www.pointblankonline.net